Is Sea Salt healthier than Iodized Salt?


Today’s contribution is from Good Measure Meals’ Sarah Shanahan MS, RDN, LD Let’s face it, salt makes food taste good – and we consume a lot of it. Most of the sodium we consume doesn’t even come from a salt shaker, but from packaged foods and eating out. We know that consuming too much leads…

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Roll Your Way to Better Form

Today’s contribution is from Big Peach Running Co.Today’s contribution is from Big Peach Running Co. Why just 5-minutes of foam rolling can help you become a better runner! Most of us only reach for the foam roller when something is wrong. If you’re only rolling the spot that hurts then stop right now! Kristin Aziz,…

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Milk Myths

Today’s contribution is from Good Measure Meals’ Alissa Palladino, MS, RDN, LD    If you’re feeling confused about milk these days, you’re not alone. Check out the dairy section of any supermarket and you’re sure to find an endless variety of dairy and non-dairy alternatives. Cow’s milk, soy milk, almond milk… with so many options and competing…

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Heart Rate Zones

Check your heart rate

Today’s contribution is from Big Peach Running Co  There are a lot of runners that don’t understand the reasons for training using a plan that is based on heart rate zones. We’ll explain how heart rate based training can help improve your performance on race day! Many times runners don’t understand that despite running 3-5 times…

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