How to Get the Legs You Still Desire
Today’s contribution is by Da’Lynn, Wellness Coordinator at Delta Air Lines Fitness Center at GO
Don’t skip leg day! We are all familiar with what it looks like when you skip leg day, and no one wants those types of results. But that’s easier said than done when you have bad knees and the staple exercises to most leg days include squats and lunges. So how do you achieve the results that you want without having to spend the hours after the gym with ice and ibuprofen?
To help work the glutes try a Kneeling Glute Kick. Start by getting on the floor on your hands and knees making sure your shoulders are over your wrist and your hips over your knees. Lift right knee off the floor and kick diagonally backward and up, pressing heel toward the top back corner of the room.
To intensify this glute workout and engage the hamstrings try a Shoulder Bridge. Lie on your back with feet planted on the ground and knees pointing up. Engage core and tuck in pelvis, then push into feet to press hips off the ground. Pulse hips up and down, squeezing glutes at the top.
Now let’s kick it up a notch. Single-Leg Shoulder Bridge! Lie on your back with feet planted and knees pointing up. Engage core and tuck in pelvis, then push into feet to press hips off the ground. Lift the right leg straight into the air over hips. Maintaining this position, pulse hips up and down. After completing your reps, switch legs.
These are just a few of many different exercises that you can do to make sure you are able to capitalize on a great leg day. Need more inspiration? Visit your club’s Front Desk for more information on training with our friendly, certified personal trainers.